Both a published photographer and prize-winning needleworker, Libby Christensen enters many regional art shows, frequently winning in 2D and 3D categories. For decades, she has enjoyed travel, nature, and architectural subjects in her photography here and abroad, more recently embracing digital enhancements. She has had 10 photos selected as Best of Photography Annual finalists and 6 in BBC’s Domesday Videodisc. Since age 7, she has designed and sewn everything from doll clothes and costumes to home décor and quilting. At this point, she is combining her artistic inclinations with quilting techniques and has set up a website for her Christensen Creationsbusiness at www.sewgocreate.comwith her original quilt and quilted item designs, many with 3D components. A former English instructor at 6 universities, she points out that “the clear diagrams and instructions” she creates “are key to good patterns.” As part of her business model, she writes a brief weekly blog focusing on a new pattern with related original photos appended “to entertain friends who don’t sew.”
“I love to combine mediums when I can. As I pursued one of my degrees in Humanities, I found balance, color, line, motifs, contrasts, abstraction come together in many forms. The Treasure Hunt is great way to push myself to explore and just have fun!”